Hiring is important for any company but right hiring is more important. Employees can either make or break the company. It goes same for any size of companies. Right employee, right position and right motivation is the key to success.While hiring an employee the HR department has to closely look for the background check of the employees. Every day in US on an average $1000 goes in to employee fraud. This figure a becoming huge day by day. Hence, it is important to be very careful while hiring an employee for your company.The following given are the components which a Human resource department should consider before hiring a new employee:
Employee reference check: So many sources are available these days on internet which can check the identity of the person online. Not just that, it is rather easy to call a person or write an e-mail to the person and check the authenticity of the new employee.
Past employment check: In most of the cases, the experienced employee always declare details about his previous employments, durations, reporting officer etc. With the help of that document, it is easy for HR department to double check his details.
Criminal record: No company wants to hire an employee who has criminal record and has been conducted by the court for any miss-doings. It is also important to understand the gravity of the crime. If it’s a very small crime like over ruling the traffic lights etc. then it should not be taken in the account against that person.
Team worker: A company never hires an individual, it always hire a team player who can be a part of team and lead company towards the path of success. There are so many tolls available in the market which can access an individual on his team player capabilities and individual strengths.
Address check and educational background: In early sixties, it has been found in USA that people are forging duplicate educational certificated and non-available address to get selected with the companies. This trend still exist, but not in abundance. It is important for human resource department to check the background of candidate’s educational declaration.
Personal integrity: This sounds very unusual, but if a person doesn’t have principles then he is not ethical. A set of questionnaire is available in the market which indirectly tries to identify the scale and roots of person’s integrity. It is always better to hire an employee who has better integrity and high moral value.
Above said points are very important for any company to check before they hire their employees. Once a company check all these points, they will be able to hire an employee who is honest and a good team player. His performance can be improved by trainings, if necessary.