Arts and Crafts For Kids and the Painting Fascination of Children

Children are born painters. Arts and crafts for kids are the source for them to pursue this activity. Kids love to paint at any time, may it be with watercolors, softened crayons paint or any other non-toxic paint specially designed to be used by children. They may paint on pre-printed figures, on just plain paper, on cardboard stock, on wood or even on fabrics. Children are always fascinated with painting and drawing.I remember when I was in early grade school; I was the proud owner of a palette of beautiful bright watercolors and some thin brushes. At that time painting was very dear to me and all it took was dipping the brush into water, then into the paint and my wonderful works of art began. I was always captivated with my paintings and gave them as gifts to family members. Mother was always very supportive of my creative endeavours. Praising works wonders as it is vital for childrens’ self-assurance. Building confidence is a significant component in raising children. It stays with them all their lives. Painting and drawing is one of those confidence builders, which is a very important step in early childhood education. Face painting, now that is real fun! Have you ever been at a childrens’ party where face painting was part of the activity? I am sure you saw the wonderful and pleasurable enjoyment kids had. There maybe was a professional face painting entertainer hired, but the most fun was had when the kids painted each others faces or a child painted their own face creatively. Finger and sponge painting is great fun, in particular with smaller children as they enjoy the process of this kind of painting, rarely thinking of a finished product. They may wander of from the original place of painting and start paint themselves or the floor, or the walls, due to the bliss they are experiencing and their unspoiled freedom of expression.With this type of childrens’ fascination, parents are often very inventive. I remember my mother painting Easter eggs with us. She would boil onion skins and make a dark brown broth of it and she did the same thing with purple onions. She then would instruct us to soak the already hard boiled eggs in the broth overnight and the next day we could paint the tan and purple colored eggs to our hearts delight. Our imagination was flying and we painted birds, flowers, leaves, zigzag lines, anything we could think of. This work was also rewarding as we felt part of the preparing process for the holidays.Keep your kids busy painting, let them discover themselves and allow them to experience the freedom of self-expression.